Carpathian Convention

11-13 October 2023, Belgrade, Serbia


20 Years of the Carpathian Convention

Assessing Progress, Inspiring Action, and Shaping the Future

Family picture

Reaching milestones

Five Protocols to the Carpathian Convention developed for ensuring better protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians in respect to the biodiversity, tourism, forest management, agriculture and transport.


Raising awareness

An ever-expending stakeholder network actively promotes sustainable development and emphasizes the vital importance of healthy ecosystems for the well-being of Carpathian residents and connected communities.


Mobilizing actions

Dozens of project have been realizing the objectives of the Carpathian Convention bringing its implementation closer to the people of the Carpathian region.

Carpathian Vision 2050 and CBF

While the CC COP7 will look back to assess the progress made during the last 20 years of implementation, the challenges of the triple planetary crisis will be of a main focus of the conference. In order to achieve the Carpathian Vision 2050, where

the Carpathians is a thriving and sustainable region where people live in harmony with nature. The biodiversity and natural beauty of the Carpathians are conserved, restored, and wisely used providing a healthy environment and essential ecosystems services for all people of the region and beyond,

the Parties are expected to adopt an ambitious set of decisions, including the Carpathian Biodiversity Framework - a comprehensive instrument supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the Carpathian level, and translating the global goals and target into transformative actions by various stakeholders at the regional level.


Relevant documents



Programme and project info

Irena Vujović

Minister of Environmental Protection of Serbia

"Welcome to Belgrade, where we celebrate 20 years of dedicated environmental preservation in the Carpathians. We share a strategic goal of environmental protection and sustainable development. The CC COP7 is an opportunity to assess our progress and commit to the Carpathian Vision 2050. This conference will see the adoption of the Carpathian Biodiversity Framework, a vital tool for translating global goals into regional actions. Serbia is proud to contribute to this transformative endeavor. Let's join forces to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and create a sustainable Carpathian region. With EU support, we'll achieve the Carpathian Vision 2050, securing a thriving Carpathian ecosystem for years to come."

Invitation letter

Elizabeth Maruma Mrema

Assistant Secretary-General UN and Deputy Executive Director of UNEP

"The significance of the Carpathian Convention in safeguarding invaluable ecosystems of the Carpathians cannot be overstated. By reinforcing the implementation of both global and European policies, it stands as the singular instrument capable of comprehensively tackling the triple planetary crises within the region. As pivotal asset, it provides essential support to broader worldwide initiatives, including the GBF.
UNEP deeply cherishes its role as the custodian of the Convention's Secretariat and its enduring collaboration with the Parties for nearly two decades. We stand ready to further support the Convention in fulfilling its crucial mission of safeguarding and promoting the sustainable development of the region"

Harald Egerer

Head of the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

"It is profound honour to be a part of the Carpathian Convention's remarkable progress since its origins, to transform the Carpathian region into a role model region of sustainability and environmental safeguarding. The Secretariat takes immense pride in witnessing the ever-increasing dedication of the Parties and the active involvement of various stakeholders in the Convention's work and inspiring actions.
Over the past two decades, a remarkable shift in consciousness and proactive measures has unfolded, shaping a brighter future for the people of the Carpathians"