Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and Transport (SWOMM). The Experience Exchange Between the Alps and the Carpathians

11 December 2013, Vienna, Austria

The 9th edition of the Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and Transport (SWOMM) will be held on December 11th in Vienna at the Vienna International Center (Wagramer Strasse, 5).

The SWOMM 2013 is promoted by the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Italian Presidency of the Alpine Convention, organized with the support of the University of Camerino, Eurac Research, the Environmental Agency Austria and the hosting partner UNEP Vienna-ISCC.

The event is organized in the frame of Access2Mountain, the project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Programme “South-East Europe”. With a partnership of twelve partners coming from Austria, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine and Hungary, Access2Mountain aims at promoting sustainable eco-tourism and to ensure effective connectivity and accessibility to the sensitive regions of the Alps and the Carpathians.

Inspired by the topics of the Access2Mountain project, the SWOMM 2013 aims at focusing on the role and the relationship between sustainable accessibility and sustainable tourism, as a mean to increase the attractiveness of mountain areas (particularly mostly isolated ones), improving the quality of life both of residents and tourists, preserving the natural habitat and cultural assets.

Experts coming from research centers, involved public administrations, Transport and Environment Ministries of the Alpine and Carpathian Countries will have the opportunity to jointly discuss in a round table the topics highlighted in the panel sessions, dedicated to technical aspects.

The SWOMM represents since 2005 an international occasion of exchange on themes related to transport in mountain areas.
As every year, the event is organized in December to mark the celebration of the International Mountain Day (11th December) designated by the United Nations General Assembly.

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