CARPATHIAN TOURISM Project - Ecotourism Workshop for local handicraft entrepreneurs and rural tourism actors in the field of sustainable tourism development

Duration: 01.03.2017 – 28.02.2018

Lead Partner:Tisza menti Mezőség Turizmusáért Egyeslület – Association for Tourism in the Tisza Plain

Funding: Visegrad Fund

Project website:

Project description

The project main aim is to empower local entrepreneurs to improve their handicraft workshops as tourism services and to increase the quality and the visibility of other rural tourism initiatives. This will be done through workshops, which will raise the knowledge of participants on tourism trends, social media and the usage of other marketing tools. These professional training courses and a manual and a final project booklet will help locals to promote themselves.The project is funded by International Visegrad Fund, supported and co-financed by the UN Environment Vienna Office Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention (SCC).

Partnership: AUSTRIA – UN Environment Vienna – Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention; HUNGARY – Tisza menti Mezőség Turizmusáért Egyeslület – Association for Tourism in the Tisza Plain; POLAND – Piotr Wyderka Pracownia Miodosytnia; SLOVAKIA – Art and Craft of Stiavnica Civil Association -Občianske Združenie Umenie a remeslá Štiavnice; CZECH REPUBLIC – Tourist Authority South Moravia – Centrála cestovního ruchu­Jižní Morava, z.s.p.o; The Ecologic Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation; Üvegmanufaktúra Kft.

Vienna Programme Office
Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention

UN Environmnent
Vienna International Centre
PO Box 500
A – 1400 Vienna

Tel: +43 1 260 60 83038

© Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention